Invite Codes
There are different types of codes you will be asked for when signing up to neumind:
- Email verification codes (everyone): everybody needs this to verify their email when starting with neumind. We use this so you don't need to remember a password or sign in every time you use neumind. Email verification codes are six digits e.g. '352816'
- Invite codes (everyone): Invite Codes are auto-generated by neumind or issued by care group owners. They will invite a new person (client, family member or clinician) to a join a care group via their email address. Invite codes are six letters or numbers. '35td4e'
- Memorable Phrase (professionals only): This is what allows clinicians within an organisation with a neumind subscription to join that subscription (and access the dashaboard and app). Memorable phrases are two words with a space in between e.g. 'careful water'